First Ordinance for the Implementation of the War Weapons Control Act of 1 June 1961

Siehe deutsche Originalfassung - See German official version

Note: Unofficial translation
This English translation is an unofficial translation, operated by RespectUs (a) using Deepl, an automated translation service, and (b) reviewing the version obtained by Deepl. It is only provided for information purposes. Only the German official text is binding.

On the basis of § 11, paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Act on the Control of War Weapons of 20 April 1961 (Federal Law Gazette I, p. 444), the Federal Government, and on the basis of § 14, paragraph 8 of this Act, the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs

Ordered :

(1) The power to grant and revoke licences in the cases provided for in §§2 and 3 paras.1 and 2 of this Act shall be exercised

1. for the area of the Federal Armed Forces, to the Federal Minister of Defence

2. for the Customs Border Service, to the Federal Minister of Finance

3. the Federal Minister of the Interior shall be responsible for the authorities or agencies responsible for the maintenance of public security and for the authorities of law enforcement,

4. for all other areas, to the Federal Minister of Economics.

(2) The power to grant and revoke licences in the cases referred to in section 4(1) of the Act shall be transferred to the Federal Minister of Transport. He shall exercise his authority in agreement with the Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs.

The supervisory powers vested in the Federal Minister of Economics under section 14(1)(1) of the Act shall be transferred to the Federal Office of Economics.

This Ordinance shall enter into force on the day following its promulgation.