
All items listed by the Australia Group, Missile Technology Control Regime, Nuclear Suppliers Group, and Wassenaar Arrangement are subject to export control in Japan. Export licensing in Japan is the responsibility of the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI).

The Trade Control Policy is implemented for the purpose of enabling proper development of foreign trade, and maintaining peace and safety in Japan as well as in the international community by exercising the minimum necessary control or coordination measures over free trade, while quickly and accurately taking into consideration regulation needs in internal and external policies pertaining to border control and consistency with internal conditions and appropriate measures regarding collateral, and establishing a proper trade control system.

It is a general rule that international trade should be free, but when taking into consideration national security, the safety and security of the people, and the environment, it is necessary to exercise the minimum necessary control and coordination measures at the border.

There has been, in particular, increasing concern regarding the development, usage, and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) by international terrorist organizations since the 9.11 attacks in 2001. Furthermore, in view of increasing international awareness over environmental issues, it is necessary for Japan to continue ongoing appropriate measures in trade control.

There is also an increasing need for trade remedy measures in the United States, Europe and Asia. Japan also needs to appropriately execute its trade control policy in adherence with international rules with regard to unfair trade by other countries such as export dumping, and as FTA/EPA negotiations accelerate, there are increasing calls for the formulation and implementation of a system to issue certificates of origin.

In order to handle such issues, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry exercises the following policies.

Exercise of proper trade control by way of appropriate implementation of measures that are in compliance with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law, such as screening for import/export permission and approval, and on-site inspection and disposal of illegal exports. Policy also undergoes continuous updates.

Furthermore, Japan actively exchanges information with other countries, and collects information concerning the situation of circumventing exports to countries of concern and relevant sensitive technology that may be targeted for circumventing export , in order to increase effectiveness in trade control.

Japan also acknowledges the importance in cooperating with other countries in introducing an export control systems, and is conducting outreach activities for government officials and industries in Asian countries to increase awareness. And the Government also reviews the export control system and items of export control in accordance with other countries, by participating in the international export control regimes.

The Government prevents unfair damage to its industry and maintains a fair trade environment by appropriately exercising trade remedy measures in compliance with WTO Agreements and the Customs Tariff Act. It also researches and analyzes laws, guidelines, specific cases, and duty imposition processes.

The Government adjusts and thoroughly establishes internal procedures in issuing certificates of origin.

Last update: December 2023
706 entities from 15 countries and regions in total in the End User List
For the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of the catch-all control, the End User List provides exporters with referential information on foreign entities for which concern cannot be eliminated regarding involvement in activities such as the development of WMDs and missiles. It is not an embargo list. If the user of the cargos and missiles to be exported is found in the list, exporters are required to submit an application for an export license except in the case where it is evident that the cargos or missiles will not be used for activities such as the development of WMDs and missiles. The list has been issued since the catch-all control was introduced in April 2002.