Regulation 267/2012 - Iran - Annex IX

List of persons and entities referred to in Article 23(2)

A. Persons


Identifying information


Date of listing


Engineer Mojtaba HAERI

MODAFL Deputy for Industry. Supervisory role over AIO and DIO




Head of the Management Board of Iran Telecommunications; former Managing Director of Iran Electronic Industries (see Part B, No 20). Director general of the Armed Forces Social Security Organization until September 2020. Iranian Deputy Defense Minister until December 2020.



Brigadier-General Beik MOHAMMADLU

MODAFL Deputy for Supplies and Logistics (see Part B, no 29)




Deputy Minister for Industry and Chairman of IMIDRO, the Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization, since August 2023. Former head of EU-designated Naval Defense Missile Industry Group, also known as Samen Al A’Emmeh Industries Group (SAIG), and Cruise Missile Industry Group.







Rear Admiral Mohammad SHAFI'I RUDSARI (a.k.a. ROODSARI, Mohammad, Hossein, Shafiei; ROODSARI, Mohammad, Shafi’I; ROODSARI, Mohammad, Shafiei; RUDSARI, Mohammad, Hossein, Shafiei; RUDSARI, Mohammad, Shafi’I; RUDSARI, Mohammad, Shafiei)

Former MODAFL Deputy for Coordination (see Part B, n 29).



Abdollah SOLAT SANA (a.k.a. Solatsana

Solat Sanna; Sowlat Senna; Sovlat Thana)

Managing Director of the Uranium Conversion Facility (UCF) in Esfahan. This is the facility that produces the feed material (UF6) for the enrichment facilities at Natanz. On 27 August 2006, Solat Sana received a special award from President Ahmadinejad for his role.




The current head of security for the Ministry Of Defence Armed Forces Logistics’ research institute the Organisation of Defensive Innovation and Research (SPND), which was run by UN-designated Mohsen Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi. The IAEA have identified SPND with their concerns over possible military dimensions to Iran's nuclear programme over which Iran refuses to co-operate. As head of security, Babaei is responsible for preventing the disclosure of information, including to the IAEA.




Former Minister of Science, Research and Technology. As project manager of the 111th section of the AMAD Plan, he has provided support for Iran's proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities.




DOB: 20.9.1974

Iranian national supplying goods, mostly metals, to EU-designated SHIG front companies. Delivered goods to SHIG between January and November 2010. Payments for some of the goods were made at the central branch of EU-designated Export Development Bank of Iran (EDBI) in Tehran after November 2010.




Iranian national supplying goods, mostly carbon fibre to EU-designated SHIG and SBIG.




Managing Director of EU-designated Kalaye Electric Company (KEC).




Managing Director of MATSA.



Mohammad Sadegh NASERI

Head of the Physics Research Institute (formerly known as the Institute of Applied Physics).




Managing Director of the EU-designated Management Company for Nuclear Power Plant Construction (MASNA)




Head of the Research Centre for Explosion and Impact, also known as METFAZ



Mohammad ESLAMI

(محمد اسلامی)

DOB: 23.9.1956

POB: Isfahan, Iran

Function: Head of theAtomic Energy Organization of Iran; Vice President of Iran

Rank: Brig. General

Nationality: Iranian

Gender: male

Passport no.: D10008684 (Diplomatic Passport)

As Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran and Vice President of Iran, IRGC Brig. General Mohammad Eslami is directly associated with, or providing support for, Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities.


(UN: 3.3.2008)


Reza-Gholi ESMAELI

(رضاقلی اسماعیلی)

(a.k.a. Rezaqoli ESMAILI)

DOB: 03.4.1961

POB: Tehran, Iran

Function: Head of Department in Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO)

Nationality: Iranian

Gender: male

Passport no.: A0002302 issued in Iran

Reza-Gholi Esmaeli is associated with IRGC General Seyyed Hojjatollah Qoraishi and various institutions of the Iranian military and government, notably as a Head of Department at the Aerospace Industries Organization. He is also associated with the Ministry of Defense logistics and research office. He therefore provides support to the Government of Iran and is associated with persons and entities providing support to the Government of Iran.


(UN: 23.12.2006)



(محسن حجتی)

DOB: 28.9.1955

POB: Najafabad, Iran

Function: Head of Fajr Industrial Group

Nationality: Iranian

Gender: male

Passport no.: G4506013 issued in Iran

Mohsen Hojati is the head of Fajr Industrial Group, a subsidiary of Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO), a sub-entity of the Ministry of Defence engaged in Iran’s ballistic missile programme. Mohsen Hojati is thus directly involved in and providing support for, the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems.


(UN: 24.3.2007)




(a.k.a. Nasser MALEKI;


DOB: 1960

POB: Iran

Function: Head of Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group (SHIG)

Nationality: Iranian

Gender: male

Passport no.: A0003039 issued in Iran

National ID.: 0035011785

Naser Maleki is Head of Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group (SHIG), which is responsible for Iran’s liquid-fuelled ballistic missile programme. He is also a Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL) Official overseeing work on the Shahab-3 ballistic missile programme. He is therefore engaged in and providing support for Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities.


(UN: 24.3.2007)


Mohammad Baqer ZOLQADR

(محمد باقر ذو القدر)

(a.k.a. Mohammad Baqer ZULQADER;

Mohammad Bagher ZOLGHADR)

DOB: 1954

POB: Faisa, Iran

Function: Secretary of the Expediency Discernment Council

Nationality: Iranian

Gender: male

Mohammad Baqer Zolqadr is a former IRGC officer who is currently Secretary of the Expediency Discernment Council. The supreme leader, who appoints members of this Council, has delegated the supervision of the government to it. In practice, the Expediency Discernment Council supports the Government of Iran by being an intricate part of the regime. In his role, Zolqadr therefore provides support to the Government of Iran

17.10.2023 (UN: 24.3.2007)



(علی اکبر احمدیان)

DOB: 1961

POB: Kerman, Iran

Function: Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC)

Nationality: Iranian

Gender: male

Ali Akbar Ahmadian is the former chief of the IRGC Joint Staff and former head of the IRGC’s Strategic Planning Division. He is the current Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Council’s decisions. The SNSC is coordinating all activities that affect Iran’s defence and has steered Iran’s nuclear negotiations. Ahmadian built his career within the IRGC and led the IRGC Strategic Centre from 2007 onwards, where he has reportedly been an influential figure in shaping security and military policies, as well as in developing Iran’s missile programme. He is thus engaged in Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities.


(UN: 24.3.2007)



(مهرداد اخلاقی کتابچی)

DOB: 10.9.1958

Function: Director of the Defense Industries Organization (DIO) and of the Aerospace Industries Organization

Nationality: Iranian

Gender: male

Passport no.: A0030940 issued in Iran

Mehrdad Akhlaghi-Ketabachi is the Director of the Defense Industries Organization (DIO), a conglomerate of companies run by the Islamic Republic of Iran whose function is to provide the Armed Forces with the necessary manufacturing capacity and technical abilities. In recent years, the DIO has attempted to become export-oriented, allowing Iran to become an exporter of weapons. He is also the director of the Aerospace Industries Organization that has recently designed the medium-range precision-guided projectile Kheibar aimed at strengthening the Iranian Armed Forces in the missile, drone, radar and other areas. In his capacity, Mehrdad Akhlaghi-Ketabachi is involved in the procurement of prohibited items, goods, equipment, materials and technology in support for Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities and for the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems. Therefore, Mehrdad Akhlaghi-Ketabachi is responsible for providing support to Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities and the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems.


(UN: 24.3.2007)



(فریدون عباسی دوانی)

(a.k.a. Fereydoon ABASSI-DAVANI;





DOB: 11.7.1958

POB: Abadan, Iran

Function: member of parliament in Iran

Nationality: Iranian

Gender: male

Fereidoun Abassi-Davani is a former Senior Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL) Scientist and former Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran. He currently serves as member of parliament in Iran, specifically in its energy commission. He is a senior nuclear scientist, affiliated with the IRGC. Considering his membership of the Iranian parliament and his scientific activities, Fereydoon Abassi-Davani is providing support to the Government of Iran and was directly engaged in Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities.


(UN: 24.3.2007)



(احمد درخشنده)

DOB: 11.8.1956

POB: Iran

Function: CEO of Shahr Bank

Nationality: Iranian

Gender: male

Ahmad Derakhshandeh is the CEO of Shahr Bank. Shahr Bank is part of the financial sector of Iran’s economy and funds the Iranian government. In his role, Ahmad Derakhshandeh therefore provides support to the Government of Iran.


(UN: 24.3.2007)


Morteza REZAIE

(مرتضی رضایی)

(a.k.a. Morteza REZAEE;

Morteza REZAI)

DOB: 1956

POB: Iran

Function: Member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC); senior military adviser to Ali Khamenei and his son Mojtaba Khamenei in the Office of the Supreme Leader.

Rank: Brig. General

Nationality: Iranian

Gender: male

Morteza Rezaie is a senior military officer (Brigadier General) within the IRGC and has had various positions within the IRGC for decades. He is therefore a member of the IRGC. Furthermore, he is a senior military adviser to Ali Khamenei and his son Mojtaba Khamenei in the Office of the Supreme Leader. Morteza Rezaie is therefore also a person providing support to the Government of Iranand persons associated with it.


(UN: 24.3.2007)



(احمد وحید دستجردﻯ)

DOB: 15.01.1954

POB: Iran

Function: Member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC); adviser to the Minister of Petroleum

Rank: Brig. General

Nationality: Iranian

Gender: male

Passport No.: A0002987 issued in Iran

Ahmad Vahid Dastjerdi is a Brigadier General of the IRGC, adviser to the Minister of Petroleum, former head of Iran’s Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO) and deputy defence minister. He served as general manager of the Sepah Cooperative Foundation, a large investment fund linked to the IRGC, until the end of 2017. He is therefore engaged in, directly associated with, or providing support for Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities.


(UN: 23.12.2006)

B. Entities


Identifying information


Date of listing


Aerospace Industries Organisation, AIO

AIO, 28 Shian 5, Lavizan, Tehran, Iran

Langare Street,Nobonyad Square,Tehran, Iran

AIO oversees Iran’s production of missiles, including EU-designated Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group, Shahid Bagheri Industrial Group and Fajr Industrial Group.



Armed Forces Geographical Organisation

A subsidiary of MODAFL assessed to provide geospatial data for the Ballistic Missile programme.



ESNICO (Equipment Supplier for Nuclear Industries Corporation)

No. 1, 37th Avenue, Asadabadi Street, Tehran, Iran

Procures industrial goods, specifically for the nuclear programme activities carried out by AEOI, Novin Energy and EU-designated Kalaye Electric Company. ESNICO’s Director is Haleh Bakhtiar.



Fajr Aviation Composite Industries

Mehrabad Airport, PO Box 13445-885, Tehran, Iran

A subsidiary of the IAIO within MODAFL both designated by the EU which primarily produces composite materials for the aircraft industry.

Fajr Aviation Composite Industries also produces drones, which are allegedly being used for regional destabilisation.



Iran Aircraft Industries (IACI)

A subsidiary of the IAIO within MODAFL (see no 29). Manufactures, repairs, and conducts overhauls of airplanes and aircraft engines and procures aviation-related parts often of US-origin typically via foreign intermediaries. IACI and its subsidiaries have also been detected using a worldwide network of brokers seeking to procure aviation-related goods.



Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Company (a.k.a: HESA, HESA Trade Center, HTC, IAMCO, IAMI, Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Company, Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industries, Karkhanejate Sanaye Havapaymaie Iran, Hava Peyma Sazi-e Iran, Havapeyma Sazhran, Havapeyma Sazi Iran, Hevapeimasazi)

P.O. Box 83145-311, 28 km Esfahan – Tehran Freeway, Shahin Shahr, Esfahan, Iran;

P.O. Box 14155-5568, No. 27 Ahahamat Ave., Vallie Asr Square, Tehran 15946, Iran;

P.O. Box 81465-935, Esfahan, Iran;

Shahih Shar Industrial Zone, Isfahan, Iran; P.O. Box 8140, No. 107 Sepahbod Gharany Ave., Tehran, Iran

Owned or controlled by, or acts on behalf of; MODAFL (see no 29).



Iran Centrifuge Technology Company (a.k.a. TSA; TESA; Farayand Technique; Technology of Centrifuge of Iran Company)

Address 1: 156 Golestan Street, Saradr-e Jangal, Tehran

Address 2: Khalij-e Fars Boulevard, Kilometre 10 of Atomic Energy Road, Rowshan Shahr, Third Moshtaq Street, Esfahan, Iran

Address 3: Yousef Abad District, No. 1, 37th Street, Tehran, Iran

Iran Centrifuge Technology Company manufactures uranium enrichment centrifuge parts, and is directly supporting Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities.



Iran Electronics Industries and the following subsidiaries:

P.O. Box 18575-365, Tehran, Iran

Wholly-owned subsidiary of MODAFL (and therefore a sister-organisation to AIO, AvIO and DIO). Its role is to manufacture electronic components for Iranian weapons systems. It is therefore an entity engaged in Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities


(a)Isfahan Optics

P.O. Box 81465-313 Kaveh Ave., Isfahan, Iran

P.O. Box 81465-117, Isfahan, Iran

Owned, controlled by, or acts on behalf of Iran Electronics Industries, an entity engaged in Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities. Isfahan Optics is also engaged in Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities.


(b)  Iran Communications Industries (ICI)

(a.k.a. Sanaye Mokhaberat Iran; Iran Communication Industries; Iran Communications Industries Group; Iran Communications Industries Co.)

PO Box 19295-4731, Pasdaran Avenue, Tehran, Iran; Alternative address: PO Box 19575-131, 34 Apadana Avenue, Tehran, Iran; Alternative address: Shahid Langary Street, Nobonyad Square Ave, Pasdaran, Tehran

Iran Communications Industries, a subsidiary of Iran Electronics Industries (listed by the EU), produces various items including communication systems, avionics, optics and electro-optics devices, micro-electronics, information technology, test and measurement, telecommunication security, electronic warfare, radar tube manufacture and refurbishment, and missile launchers. ICI procured sensitive material through Hoda Trading, its Hong Kong based subsidiary.



Iranian Aviation Industries Organization (IAIO)

Ave. Sepahbod Gharani P.O. Box 15815/1775 Tehran, Iran

Ave. Sepahbod Gharani P.O. Box 15815/3446 Tehran, Iran

107 Sepahbod Gharani Avenue, Tehran, Iran

A MODAFL (see no 29) organisation responsible for planning and managing Iran's military aviation industry.



Javedan Mehr Toos

Engineering firm that procures for the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran which was designated under UNSCR 1737.



Marine Industries

Pasdaran Av., PO Box 19585/ 777, Tehran

A subsidiary of the DIO



Mechanic Industries Group

(a.k.a.: Mechanic Industries Organisation; Mechanical Industries Complex; Mechanical Industries Group; Sanaye


Took part in the production of components for the ballistics programme.



Ministry Of Defense And Support For Armed Forces Logistics (a.k.a. Ministry Of Defense For Armed Forces Logistics; a.k.a. MODAFL; a.k.a. MODSAF)

Address no. 1: Ferdowsi Avenue, Sarhang Sakhaei Street, Tehran, Iran

Address no. 2: PO Box 11365-8439, Iran

Address no. 3: Sarhang Sakhaei Street, Ferdowsi Avenue, Tehran, Iran

Address no. 4: PO Box 11365-8439, Iran

Address no. 5: Pasdaran Ave., Tehran, Iran

Address no. 6: PO Box 16315-189, Tehran, Iran

Address no. 7: located on the west side of Dabestan Street, Abbas Abad District, Tehran, Iran

Address no. 8: PO Box 19315-189, Pasdaran Street, South Noubonyand Square, Tehran, Iran

The Ministry Of Defense And Support For Armed Forces Logistics, which includes the MODLEX Export Center (also referred to as the Ministry of Defense Logistics Export (MODLEX)), is responsible for Iran’s defence research, development, manufacturing and export programmes, including support to missile and nuclear programmes.



Parchin Chemical Industries (PCI)

صنایع شیمیایی پارچین

(a.k.a. Parchin Chemical Factories Chemical Industries Group;

PCF Chemical Industries Group;

Parchin Chemical Factories;

Parchin Chemical Industry Group;

PCI Group;

Parchin Chemical Ind (PCF);

Parchin Chemical Factories;

Para Chemical Industries;



Parchin Military Base)

Address no. 1: Khavaran Road Km 30-35, Parchin Special Road, Varamin, Parchin

Address no. 2: Nobonyad Square, Tehran 15765-358

Address no. 3: Parchin Forked Rd., 35th km. Khavaran Rd., Pakdasht, Tehran, Iran (Factory)

Address no. 4: 2nd Floor, Sanam Bldg., Nobonyad Sq., Tehran, Iran (Head Office)

Address no. 5: Pasdaran Square, P.O. Box 16765/358, Tehran, Iran

Address no. 6: 2nd Floor, Sanam Bldg., 3rd Floor, Sanam Bldg., P.O. Box 16765/358, Nobonyad Square, Tehran, Iran

Parchin Chemical Industries (PCI) produces ammunition, explosives and solid propellants for rockets and missiles. Parchin facilities were used for the production and testing of nuclear weapons. Parchin Chemical Industries is therefore responsible for providing support for Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities.

Parchin Chemical Industries is part of the Chemical Industries and Development of Material Group (CIDMG), which is a branch of Iran’s Defense Industries Organization (DIO), which falls under Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL) and is therefore owned by the Iranian Government. Parchin Chemical Industries is therefore an entity that provides support to the Government of Iran, and is controlled by and associated with entities providing support to the Government of Iran.


(UN: 24.3.2007)


Parto Sanat Co

No. 1281 Valiasr Ave., Next to 14th St., Tehran, 15178 Iran.

Manufacturer of frequency changers and it is capable of developing/modifying imported foreign frequency changers in a way that makes them usable in gas centrifuge enrichment. It is deemed to be involved in nuclear proliferation activities.



Passive Defense Organization

Responsible for the selection and construction of strategic facilities, including – according to Iranian statements - the uranium enrichment site at Fordow (Qom) built without being declared to the IAEA contrary to Iran's obligations (affirmed in a resolution by the IAEA Board of Governors). Brigadier General Gholam-Reza Jalali, former IRGC is PDO's chairman.




A department of Kalaye Electric Company (designated under UNSCR 1737). Established in late 2006, it was responsible for the construction of the Uranium enrichment plant at Fordow (Qom).



Schiller Novin

(a.k.a.: Schiler Novin Co.; Schiller Novin Co.; Shiller Novin)

Gheytariyeh Avenue - no 153 - 3rd Floor - PO BOX 17665/153 6 19389 Tehran

Acting on behalf of Defense Industries Organisation (DIO).



Shahid Ahmad Kazemi Industrial Group (SAKIG)

Entity subordinate to Iran’s Aerospace Industries Organisation (AIO). SAKIG develops and produces surface-to-air missiles systems for Iran's military. It maintains military, missile, and air defense projects and procures goods from Russia, Belarus, and North Korea.



Shakhese Behbud Sanat

Involved in the production of equipment and parts for the nuclear fuel cycle.



State Purchasing Organisation (SPO, a.k.a. State Purchasing Office; State Purchasing Organization)

The SPO appears to facilitate the import of whole weapons. It appears to be a subsidiary of MODAFL.



Technology Cooperation Office (TCO) of the Iranian President's Office (a.k.a.

Center for Innovation and Technology (CITC))

Tehran, Iran

Responsible for Iran's technological advancement through relevant foreign procurement and training links. Supports the nuclear and missile programmes.



Yasa Part, (including all branches) and subsidiaries:

Company dealing with procurement activities related to the purchase of materials and technologies necessary to nuclear and ballistic programmes.


(a)  Arfa Paint Company

Acting on behalf of Yasa Part.


(b)  Arfeh Company

Acting on behalf of Yasa Part.


(c)  Farasepehr Engineering Company

Acting on behalf of Yasa Part.


(d)  Hosseini Nejad Trading Co.

Acting on behalf of Yasa Part.


(e)  Iran Saffron Company or Iransaffron Co.

Acting on behalf of Yasa Part.


(f)  Shetab G.

Acting on behalf of Yasa Part.


(g)  Shetab Gaman (a.k.a. Taamin Gostaran Pishgaman Azar)

Address: Norouzi Alley, No 2, Larestan Street, Motahari Avenue, Tehran

Acting on behalf of Yasa Part.


(h)  Shetab Trading

Acting on behalf of Yasa Part.


(i)  Y.A.S. Co. Ltd

Acting on behalf of Yasa Part.



Aras Farayande

Unit 12, No 35 Kooshesh Street, Tehran

Involved in procurement of materials for EU-sanctioned Iran Centrifuge Technology Company



Noavaran Pooyamoj (a.k.a. Noavaran Tejarat Paya, Bastan Tejerat Mabna, Behdis Tejarat (or Bazarganis Behdis Tejarat Alborz Company or Behdis Tejarat General Trading Company), Fanavaran Mojpooya, Faramoj Company (or Tosee Danesh Fanavari Faramoj), Green Emirate Paya, Mehbang Sana, Mohandesi Hedayat Control Paya, Pooya Wave Company, Towsee Fanavari Boshra)

Involved in procurement of materials that are controlled and have direct application in the manufacture of centrifuges for Iran's uranium enrichment programme.



Raad Iran (a.k.a. Raad Automation Company; Middle East Raad Automation; RAAD Automation Co.; Raad Iran Automation Co.; RAADIRAN; Middle East RAAD Automation Co.; Automasion RAAD Khavar Mianeh; Automation Raad Khavar Mianeh Nabbet Co)

Unit 1, No 35, Bouali Sina Sharghi, Chehel Sotoun Street, Fatemi Square, Tehran

A company involved in procurement of inverters for Iran's proscribed enrichment programme. Raad Iran was established to produce and design controlling systems and provides the sale and installation of inverters and programmable Logic Controllers.



Sun Middle East FZ Company

A company that procures sensitive goods for the Nuclear Reactors Fuel Company (SUREH). Sun Middle East uses intermediaries based outside of Iran to source goods SUREH requires. Sun Middle East provides these intermediaries with false end user details for when the goods are sent to Iran, thereby seeking to circumvent the relevant country's Customs regime.



Ashtian Tablo

Ashtian Tablo - No 67, Ghods mirheydari St, Yoosefabad, Tehran

Involved in the production and supply of specialist electrical equipment and materials that have a direct application in the Iranian nuclear sector.



Bals Alman

A manufacturer of electrical equipment (switchgear) involved in the ongoing construction of the Fordow (Qom) facility built without being declared to the IAEA.



Hirbod Co

Hirbod Co - Flat 2, 3 Second Street, Asad Abadi Avenue, Tehran 14316

A company that has procured goods and equipment destined for Iran's Nuclear and Ballistic Missile programmes for the UN-sanctioned Kalaye Electric Company (KEC).





Paya Parto (a.k.a. Paya Partov)

Subsidiary of Novin Energy, which was sanctioned under UNSCR 1747, involved in laser welding.




Engineering firm that procures equipment for Iran's IR-40 heavy water research reactor



MAAA Synergy


Involved in procurement of components for Iranian fighter planes



Modern Technologies FZC (MTFZC)

PO Box 8032, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Involved in procurement of components for Iranian nuclear programme



Tajhiz Sanat Shayan (TSS)

Unit 7, No. 40, Yazdanpanah, Afriqa Blvd., Teheran, Iran

Involved in procurement of components for Iranian nuclear programme



Institute of Applied Physics (IAP)

Conducts research into military applications of Iranian nuclear programme



Aran Modern Devices (AMD)

Affiliated to MTFZC network



Electronic Components Industries (ECI)

Hossain Abad Avenue, Shiraz, Iran

Subsidiary of Iran Electronics Industries



Shiraz Electronics Industries

Mirzaie Shirazi, P.O. Box 71365-1589, Shiraz, Iran

Subsidiary of Iran Electronics Industries



Iran Marine Industrial Company (SADRA)

Sadra Building No 3, Shafagh St., Poonak Khavari Blvd., Shahrak Ghods, P.O. Box 14669-56491, Tehran, Iran

Effectively controlled by Sepanir Oil & Gas Energy Engineering Company, which is designated by the EU as an IRGC company. Provides support to the Government of Iran through its involvement in the Iranian energy sector including in the South Pars Gas field.



Shahid Beheshti University

Daneshju Blvd., Yaman St., Chamran Blvd., P.O. Box 19839-63113, Tehran, Iran

Shahid Beheshti University is a public entity which is under the supervision of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. Carries out scientific research relevant to the development of nuclear weapons.



Aria Nikan, (a.k.a. Pergas Aria Movalled Ltd)

Suite 1, 59 Azadi Ali North Sohrevardi Avenue, Tehran, 1576935561

Known to procure for EU designated Iran Centrifuge Technology Company (TESA) Commercial Department. They have made efforts to procure designated materials, including goods from the EU, which have applications in the Iranian nuclear programme.



Bargh Azaraksh; (a.k.a Barghe Azerakhsh Sakht)

No 599, Stage 3, Ata Al Malek Blvd, Emam Khomeini Street, Esfahan.

Company that has been contracted to work at the uranium enrichment sites at Natanz and Qom/Fordow on the electricity and piping works. It was in charge of designing, procuring and installing electrical control equipment at Natanz in 2010.



Eyvaz Technic

No 3, Building 3, Shahid Hamid Sadigh Alley, Shariati Street, Tehran, Iran.

Producer of vacuum equipment that has supplied the uranium enrichment sites at Natanz and Qom/Fordow. In 2011 it supplied pressure transducers to UN-designated Kalaye Electric Company.



Ghani Sazi Uranium Company (a.k.a. Iran Uranium Enrichment Company)

3, Qarqavol Close, 20th Street, Tehran

Subordinate to the UN-designated TAMAS. It has production contracts with UN-designated Kalaye Electric Company and EU-designated TESA.



Iran Pooya (a.k.a. Iran Pouya)

A government owned company that operated the biggest extruder of aluminium in Iran and supplied material for use in the production of casings for the IR-1 and IR-2 centrifuges. A major manufacturer of aluminium cylinders for centrifuges whose customers include the UN-designated AEOI and EU-designated TESA.








Karanir (a.k.a Karanir Sanat, Moaser; Tajhiz Sanat)

1139/1 Unit 104 Gol Building, Gol Alley, North Side of Sae, Vali Asr Avenue. PO Box 19395-6439, Tehran

Involved in purchasing equipment and materials, which have direct applications in the Iranian nuclear programme.



Khala Afarin Pars (a.k.a. PISHRO KHALA AFARIN COMPANY)

Last address known: Unit 5, 2nd Floor, No 75, Mehran Afrand St, Sattarkhan St, Tehran.

Involved in purchasing equipment and materials which have direct applications in the Iranian nuclear programme.



MACPAR Makina San Ve Tic

Istasyon MH, Sehitler cad, Guldeniz Sit, Number 79/2, Tuzla 34930, Istanbul

Company run by Milad Jafari who has supplied goods, mostly metals, to UN designated Shahid Hemmat Industries Group (SHIG) through front companies.



MATSA (Mohandesi Toseh Sokht Atomi Company)

90, Fathi Shaghaghi Street, Tehran, Iran.

Iranian company contracted to UN-designated Kalaye Electric Company to provide design and engineering services across the nuclear fuel cycle. Most recently has been procuring equipment for the Natanz uranium enrichment site.



Mobin Sanjesh

Entry 3, No 11, 12th Street, Miremad Alley, Abbas Abad, Tehran

Involved in purchasing equipment and materials which have direct applications in the Iranian nuclear programme.



Multimat lc ve Dis Ticaret Pazarlama Limited Sirketi

Company run by Milad Jafari who has supplied goods, mostly metals, to UN designated Shahid Hemmat Industries Group (SHIG) through front companies.



Research Centre for Explosion and Impact (a.k.a. METFAZ)

44, 180th Street West, Tehran, 16539-75751

Subordinate to the EU-designated Malek Ashtar University, it oversees activity linked to the Possible Military Dimensions of Iran's nuclear programme upon which Iran is not cooperating with the IAEA.



Saman Nasb Zayendeh Rood; Saman Nasbzainde Rood

Unit 7, 3rd Floor Mehdi Building, Kahorz Blvd, Esfahan, Iran.

Construction contractor that has installed piping and associated support equipment at the uranium enrichment site at Natanz. It has dealt specifically with centrifuge piping.



Saman Tose'e Asia (SATA)

Engineering firm involved in supporting a range of large scale industrial projects including Iran's uranium enrichment programme, including undeclared work at the uranium enrichment site at Qom/Fordow.





STEP Standart Teknik Parca San ve TIC A.S.

79/2 Tuzla, 34940, Istanbul, Turkey

Company run by Milad Jafari, who has supplied goods, mostly metals, to UN designated Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group (SHIG) through front companies.





TABA (Iran Cutting Tools Manufacturing company - Taba Towlid Abzar Boreshi Iran;

a.k.a. Iran Centrifuge Technology Co.; Iran's Centrifuge Technology Company; Sherkate Technology Centrifuge

Iran, TESA, TSA)

12 Ferdowsi, Avenue Sakhaee, avenue 30 Tir (sud), nr 66 – Tehran

Owned or controlled by EU-sanctioned TESA, Involved in manufacturing equipment and materials, which have direct applications in the Iranian nuclear programme.



Test Tafsir

No 11, Tawhid 6 Street, Moj Street, Darya Blvd, Shahrak Gharb, Tehran, Iran.

Company produces and has supplied UF6 specific containers to the uranium enrichment sites at Natanz and Qom/Fordow.



Tosse Silooha (a.k.a. Tosseh Jahad E Silo)

Involved in the Iranian nuclear programme at the Natanz, Qom and Arak facilities.



Yarsanat (a.k.a. Yar Sanat, a.k.a. Yarestan Vacuumi)

No. 101, West Zardosht Street, 3rd Floor, 14157 Tehran; No. 139 Hoveyzeh Street, 15337, Tehran.

Procurement company for UN-designated Kalaye Electric Company. Involved in purchasing equipment and materials which have direct applications in the Iranian nuclear programme. It has attempted the procurement of vacuum products and pressure transducers.



Tidewater (a.k.a. Tidewater Middle East Co; Faraz Royal Qeshm Company LLC)

Postal address: No 80, Tidewater Building, Vozara Street, Next to Saie Park, Tehran, Iran

Owned or controlled by IRGC



Turbine Engineering Manufacturing (TEM) (a.k.a T.E.M. Co.)

Postal address: Shishesh Mina Street, Karaj Special Road, Tehran, Iran

Used as a front company by designated Iran Aircraft Industries (IACI) for covert procurement activities.




Postal address: Haftom Tir Square, South Mofte Avenue, Tour Line No; 3/1, Tehran, Iran

P.O. Box 1584864813 Tehran, Iran

Front company of Sad Export Import Company. Involved in illicit arms transfer aboard M/V Monchgorsk.



Iran Composites Institute (a.k.a. Composites Research Laboratory (CRL))

Iran Composites Institute,

Iranian University of Science and Technology,

16845-188, Tehran, Iran,

Telephone: 98 217 3912858

Fax 98 217 7491206



Iranian Composites Institute (ICI, a.k.a. Composite Institute of Iran; Composites Research Laboratory (CRL)) is assisting designated entities in violating the provisions of UN and EU sanctions on Iran and is directly supporting Iran’s proliferation sensitive nuclear activities. As of 2011, ICI had been contracted to provide EU-designated Iran Centrifuge Technology Company (TESA) with IR-2M centrifuge rotors.



Jelvesazan Company

22 Bahman St., Bozorgmehr Ave, 84155666, Esfahan, Iran

Tel: 98 0311 2658311 15

Fax: 98 0311 2679097

Jelvesazan Company is assisting designated entities to violate the provisions of UN and EU sanctions on Iran and is directly supporting Iran's proliferation sensitive nuclear activities. As of early 2012 Jelvesazan intended to supply controlled vacuum pumps to EU-designated Iran Centrifuge Technology Company (TESA).



Simatec Development Company

Simatec Development Company is assisting designated entities to violate the provisions of UN and EU sanctions on Iran and is directly supporting Iran's proliferation sensitive nuclear activities. As of early 2010 Simatec was contracted by UN-designated Kalaye Electric Company (KEC) to procure Vacon inverters to power uranium enrichment centrifuges. As of mid-2012 Simatec was attempting to procure EU-controlled inverters.




1.  Parcham St, 13 th Km of Qom Rd 38135 Arak (Factory)

2.  Unit 38, 5 th Fl, Bldg No 60, Golfam St, Jordan, 19395-5716, Tehran

Tel: 98 212 2049216 / 22049928 / 22045237

Fax: 98 21 22057127


Aluminat is assisting designated entities to violate the provisions of UN and EU sanctions on Iran and is directly supporting Iran's proliferation sensitive nuclear activities. In early 2012 Aluminat had a contract to supply 6061-T6 aluminium to EU-designated Iran Centrifuge Technology Company (TESA).



Organisation of Defensive Innovation and Research (SPND)

The Organisation of Defensive Innovation and Research (SPND) directly supports Iran's proliferation sensitive nuclear activities. The IAEA has identified SPND with their concerns over possible military dimensions (PMD) to Iran's nuclear programme. SPND was run by UN-designated Mohsen Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi and is part of the Ministry of Defence For Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL) designated by the EU.



Sharif University of Technology

Last address known: Azadi Ave/Street, PO Box 11365-11155, Tehran, Iran, Tel. +98 21 66 161 Email:

Sharif University of Technology (SUT) has a number of cooperation agreements with Iranian Government organisations which are designated by the UN and/or the EU and which operate in military or military-related fields, particularly in the field of ballistic missile production and procurement. This includes: an agreement with the EU-designated Aerospace Industries Organisation for, inter alia, the production of satellites; cooperating with the Iranian Ministry of Defence and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) on smart boat competitions; a broader agreement with the IRGC Air Force which covers developing and strengthening the University’s relations, organisational and strategic cooperation.

Taken together, these show a significant record of engagement with the Government of Iran in military or military-related fields that constitutes support to the Government of Iran.



Naval Defense Missile Industry Group

(a.k.a. Cruise Missile Industry Group;

Samen al-Aemeh Industries Group)

Address no. 1: 28 Shian 5, Lavizan, Tehran, Iran

Address no. 2: P.O. Box 13185/3198, Tehran, Iran

Type of entity: subsidiary of Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO)

Naval Defense Missile Industry Group (a.k.a. Cruise Missile Industry Group) is involved in the development of missile systems as a subsidiary of the Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO), an entity directly controlled by the Iranian Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL). The Naval Defense Missile Industry Group is therefore associated with an entity providing support to the government of Iran.


(UN: 3.3.2008)


Defense Technology and Science Research Centre (DTSRC)

(موسسه آموزشی و تحقیقاتی صنایع دفاعی)

(a.k.a. Institute for Defense Education and Research;

Moassese Amozesh Va Tahghighati)

Address: Pasdaran Av., P.O. Box 19585/777, Tehran, Iran

Type of entity: government entity

Place of registration: Tehran, Iran

Principal place of business: Tehran, Iran

Associated entities: Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL);

Defense Industries Organization (DIO)

Associated individuals: Aman Allah Paydar (commercial manager and procurement agent for the DTSRC);

Murat Bukey (procurement agent);

Asghar Mahmoudi (facilitator and commissioner)

The Defense Technology and Science Research Centre (DTSRC) is an Iran-based government entity that conducts defence-related research and development as well as procurement. It is majority-owned by and subordinate to the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL) and falls under its Defense Industries Organization (DIO). MODAFL provides logistic support to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC). Therefore, DTSRC provides support to the Government of Iran.


(UN: 9.6.2010

EU: 24.4.2007)


Electro Sanam Company

(a.k.a. E.S. Co.; E.X. Co.;

Electro Sanam Co.;

Electro Sanam;

Sanam Industrial Group;

Electro Sanam Industries;

Sanam Electronics)

Address no. 1: No 24, 3rd Floor, Sink St., after Beheshti St., Northern Sohrevardi Ave. 15779 Tehran, Iran

Address no. 2: Tehran P.O. Box 19395/5339, Araj Forkway, Pasdaran Ave., Tehran, Iran

Telephone no.:

+98 21 8757587;

+98 21 7863352;

+98 21 88757587

Fax no.:

+98 21 8757588;

+98 21 7867810;

+98 21 88757588;

+98 21 22549738


Place of registration: Iran

Date of registration: 1992

Registration no.: 339747

National ID no.: 10103864724

Principal place of business: Tehran, Iran

Associated entities: Sanam Industrial Group;

Aerospace Industries Organization

Electro Sanam Company is a front company for the Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO) that is involved in Iran’s ballistic missile programme. Electro Sanam Company is therefore engaged in, directly associated with, or providing support for Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities.


(UN: 3.3.2008)


Ettehad Technical Group

Address no. 1: 28 Shian 5, Lavizan, Tehran, Iran

Address no. 2: P.O. Box 13185/3198, Tehran, Iran

Address no. 3: P.O. Box 19395/6874, Tehran, Iran

Address no. 4: Langare Street, Nobonyad Square, Tehran, Iran


Leading industrial and military subsidiary of Iran’s Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL), oversees Iran’s missile production. Ettehad Technical Group is an AIO front company involved in the ballistic missile programme and is therefore directly associated with and providing support for, Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities or for the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems, including through the involvement in procurement of the prohibited items, goods, equipment, materials and technology.


(UN: 3.3.2008)


Fajr Industrial Group

(مجتمع صنعتی قطعات دقیق)

(a.k.a. Industrial Factories of Precision Machinery (IFP);

Fadjr Industries Group (FIG);

Nasr Industries Group;

Instrumentation Factories Plan (IFP);

Instrumentation Factories of Precision-Machinery;

Precision Component Project Group;

Sasadja Precision Industrial Complex;

Mojtame Santy Ajzae Daghigh;

Mojtama-e Sanaty-e Ajza-ye Daqiq;

Department 140/16;

Instrumentation Factories Plant;

Instrumentation Factory Plant;

Fajr Industries Group;

Fadjr Industrial Group;


Instrumentation Factories Plant (IFP))

Address no. 1: Javadian Far Ave. 212, Tehran, Iran

Address no. 2: Khavaran Road Km 40, Parchin, Iran

Address no. 3: P.O. Box 1985/777, Tehran, Iran

Telephone no.: +98 21 88978036

Fax no.: +98 21 88960239

Place of registration: Iran

Principal place of business: Iran

Associated entities:

Iran’s Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO);

Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL)

Fajr Industrial Group is a subsidiary of Iran’s Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO), and is therefore controlled by an entity providing support to the government of Iran. It is involved in the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems.


(UN: 23.12.2006)




7 th of Tir

(شرکت صنایع هفتم تیر)

(a.k.a. 7 th of Tir Complex;

7 th of Tir Industrial Complex;

7 th of Tir Industries;

7 th of Tir Industries of Isfahan/Esfahan;

Haftom-e Tir)

Address no. 1: Mobarakeh Road Km 45, Isfahan, Iran

Address no. 2: P.O. Box 81465/478, Isfahan, Iran

Date of registration: 1997

Principal place of business: Iran

Associated entities: Defense Industries Organization (DIO);

Ammunition and Metallurgy Industries Group (AMIG);

Khorasan Metallurgical Industries;

Yazd Metallurgical Industries

7 th of Tir (Haftom-e Tir) is a subsidiary of the Ammunition and Metallurgy Industries Group (AMIG) and of the Defense Industries Organization (DIO) that produces mortar bombs and fuses. DIO is a conglomerate of companies run by the Islamic Republic of Iran whose function is to provide the Armed Forces with the necessary manufacturing capacity and technical abilities. 7 th of Tir is therefore controlled by an entity engaged in Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities and development of nuclear weapons delivery systems.


(UN: 23.12.2006)


Amin Industrial Complex

(مجتمع صنعتي امين)

Address no. 1: Amin Industrial Estate, Khalage Rd., Seyedi District P.O. Box 91735/549, Mashad, Iran

Address no. 2: P.O. Box 91735/549, Mashad, Iran

Address no. 3: Amin Industrial Estate, Khalage Rd., Seyedi District, Mashad, Iran

Address no. 4: Kaveh Complex, Khalaj Rd., Seyedi St., Mashad, Iran

Address no. 5: No 160, Besat Blvd., Ahmad-Abad 2 nd 30-Meter St., Mashad, Iran

Address no. 6: Km. 8 th of Asiaei Rd., Mashad, Iran (Factory)

Address no. 7: Khalaj St., End of Seyyedi Alley, 91638 Mashad


Type of entity: military weapon provider

Place of registration: Mashad, Iran

Principal place of business: Iran

Associated entities: Defense Industries Organization (DIO);

Kaveh Cutting Tools Company

Amin Industrial Complex is a military weapon provider that has been involved in the proliferation of illicit missile and nuclear technology to Iran through a Chinese intermediary. It is thus engaged in Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities or the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems by Iran.


(UN: 9.6.2010)


Ammunition and Metallurgy Industries Group (AMIG)

(گروه صنایع مهماتسازﻯ ومتالوﮋﻯ)

Address no. 1: P.O. Box 16765/1835 Pasdaran Street

Address no. 2: Department 145-42 P.O. Box 16765/128 Moghan Avenue, Pasdaran Street

Place of registration: Tehran, Iran

Principal place of business: Iran

Associated entities: Shahid Sattari Industries;

Parchin Ammunition Industries;

7 th of Tir Industries Complex;

Yazd Metallurgy Industries;

Khorasan Metallurgy Industries;

Isfahan Ammunition Industries;

Shahid Shiroudi Industries;

Shahid Sayyad Shirazi Industries;

Defense Industries Organization (DIO)

Ammunition and Metallurgy Industries Group (AMIG) is the largest industrial group of the Defense Industries Organization (DIO). Its products include ammunition, mortar bombs, pyrotechnics, anti-tank and sea mines, hand grenades, detonators, brass materials, cutting tools, industrial valves, perforating charges for the oil industry and other industrial parts. It is comprised of ten subsidiaries, including Shahid Sattari Industries, Parchin Ammunition Industries, 7 th of Tir Industries Complex, Yazd Metallurgy Industries, Khorasan Metallurgy Industries, Isfahan Ammunition Industries, Shahid Shiroudi Industries and Shahid Sayyad Shirazi Industries. It has played a key role in manufacturing and developing weaponry and is linked to several companies involved in proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities. It is thus engaged in Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities or the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems by Iran.


(UN: 24.3.2007)


Armament Industries Group (AIG)

(گروه صنایع تسلیحاتی)

Place of registration: Tehran, Iran

Principal place of business: Iran

Associated entities: Defense Industries Organization (DIO)

Armament Industries Group is a large manufacturer of weapons and a subsidiary of Iran’s Defense Industries Organization (DIO). DIO is a conglomerate of companies run by the Islamic Republic of Iran whose function is to provide the Armed Forces with the necessary manufacturing capacity and technical abilities. AIG is therefore controlled by an entity engaged in Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities and development of nuclear weapons delivery systems.


(UN: 9.6.2010

EU: 24.4.2007)


Defense Industries Organization (DIO)

(سازمان صنایع دفاع جمهورﻯ اسلامی ایران)

Address: Amin Industrial Estate, Khalage Rd., Seyedi District P.O. Box 91735/549, Mashad, Iran

Principal place of business: Iran

Associated entities: Kaveh cutting tool company;

7th of Tir Industries;

Khorasan Metallurgy Industries;

Aviation Industries Organization (AvIO);

Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO);

Iran Electronics Industries (IEI); Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL)

The Defense Industries Organization (DIO) is a conglomerate of over 300 companies and a subsidiary of Iran’s Ministry of Defense Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL) whose function is to provide the Armed Forces with the necessary manufacturing capacity and technical abilities. It has played a central role in Iran’s ballistic missile development programme and in the implementation of Iran’s centrifuge programme. DIO oversees numerous state-owned defence contractors and front companies directly or through its primary subsidiary, the Aerospace Industries Organization. It plays a significant role in producing diverse military hardware for Iran, including missiles. In recent years, the DIO has attempted to become export-oriented, allowing Iran to become an exporter of weapons: in 2022, DIO has grown by 200 % compared to 2021, has developed 75 new weapons and has multiplied its exports by 2.5, thus contributing to the growth of Iran’s defence industry. DIO is thus providing support for Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities and the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems.


(UN: 23.12.2006)


Kaveh Cutting Tools Company

(a.k.a. Abzar Boresh Kaveh Co. Persian;

Mojtame-e Abzar Boreshi Kaveh)

Address no. 1: Km 4 Khalaj Road, end of Seyyedi Street, Mashad 91638, Iran

Address no. 2: P.O. Box 91735/549, Mashad, Iran

Address no. 3: 3 rd Km of Khalaj Road, Seyyedi Street, Mashad, Iran

Address no. 4: Moqan St., Tehran, Iran


Place of registration: Mashad, Iran

Date of registration: 1993

Principal place of business: Mashad, Iran

Associated entities: Abzar Boresh Kaveh Co.;

Defense Industries Organization (DIO);

Ammunition and Metallurgy Industries Group (AMIG)

Kaveh Cutting Tools Company is an Iranian manufacturing company that has been involved in the production of components for Iran’s IR-1 centrifuges, and in the procurement for Iran’s centrifuge programme. It is controlled by the Ammunition and Metallurgy Industries Group (AMIG) and subordinate to the Defense Industries Organization (DIO). It is thus engaged in Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities or the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems by Iran.


(UN: 9.6.2010)


Khorasan Metallurgy Industries

(صنایع مهمات سازﻯ و متالورﮋﻯ خراسان)

(a.k.a. Khorasan Metallurgy;

Khorasan Ammunition and Metallurgy Industries;

Khorasan Metalogy Industries;

The Metallurgy Industries of Khorasan;

Metalogy Industry of Khorasan

Previously known as: Amin Industrial Complex)

Address: 2 nd km of Khalaj Road End of Seyyedi St., P.O.Box 91735-549, 91735 Mashad, Iran.


Telephone no.: +98 511 3853008;

+98 511 3870225

Type of entity: public company

Place of registration: Iran

Principal place of business: Iran

Associated entities: Ammunition and Metallurgy Industries Group (AMIG);

Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL);

Defense Industries Organization (DIO)

Khorasan Metallurgy Industries is part of Iran’s Defense Industries Organization (DIO) and a subsidiary of the Ammunition and Metallurgy Industries Group (AMIG). It is responsible for the production of ammunition and centrifuge components as well as cutting tools and products such as drills, milling cutters, taps, reamers and compound tools. It is providing support for Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities.


(UN: 3.3.2008)


Shahid Sayyade Shirazi Industries

(a.k.a. Shahid Sayyade Shirazi Industries;

Sayyad Shirazi Industries;

Sayad Shirazi;

Sayad Shirazi industries;

Sayad Shirazi industry;

Shaheed Sayad Shirazee ammunition industries;

Shahid Sayyadi Shirazi Industries;

Shahid Sayyed Shirazi Ind.)

Address no. 1: Next To Nirou Battery Mfg. Co, Shahid Babaii Expressway, Nobonyad Square, Tehran, Iran

Address no. 2: Pasdaran St., P.O. Box 16765, Tehran 1835, Iran

Address no. 3: Babaei Highway – Next to Niru M.F.G, Tehran, Iran

Place of registration: Tehran, Iran

Principal place of business: Iran

Associated entities: Ammunition and Metallurgy Industries Group (AMIG);

Defense Industries Organization (DIO)

Associated individuals: Shahid Sayyad Shirazi (former deputy chief of staff of Iran’s Armed Forces)

Shahid Sayyade Shirazi Industries is a missile producer owned by Shahid Sayyad Shirazi, former deputy chief of staff of Iran’s Armed Forces that is linked to the Iranian military industry. Shahid Sayyad Shirazi Industries has been trying to acquire metals from China used in high-tech weaponry, including long-range nuclear missiles. It is part of the Ammunition and Metallurgy Industries Group (AMIG), which has played a key role in manufacturing and developing weaponry and is linked to several companies involved in proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities, and a subsidiary of the Defense Industries Organization (DIO) that is directly involved in missile development. It is therefore controlled by an entity engaged in Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities and development of nuclear weapons delivery systems.


(UN: 9.6.2010)


Joza Industrial Co.

Address: P.O. Box 16595/159, Tehran, Iran

Place of registration: Tehran, Iran

Date of registration: 03.3.2008

Principal place of business: Iran

Associated entities: AIO (Aerospace Industries Organization);

SHIG (Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group)

Joza Industrial Co. is controlled by Iran’s Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO), which is involved in the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems. It has recently designed the medium-range precision-guided projectile Kheibar aimed at strengthening the Iranian Armed Forces in the missile, drone and radar areas. Joza Industrial Co. is therefore controlled by an entity engaged in Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities and development of nuclear weapons delivery systems.


(UN: 3.3.2008)


Kalaye Electric Company (KEC)

(a.k.a. Kola Electric Co.;

Kala Electric;

Kola Electric Company;


Kalaye Electric Co.;

Kala Electric Company;

Kalay Electric Company;


Address: 33 Fifteenth Street, Seyed Jamaleddin Assadabadi Avenue, Tehran, Iran

Place of registration: Tehran, Iran

Principal place of business: Iran

Kalaye Electric Company is a manufacturer of advanced centrifuges for Iran’s nuclear programme, namely the IR-8 model, as well as a research and development site working on centrifuges for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran. It is therefore engaged in and providing support for Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities.


(UN: 23.12.2006)


M Babaie Industries

(a.k.a. Shahid Babaie Industries Complex;


Shahid Babaie Industrial Complex;

Shaheed Babaie Industries;

Shahid Babaii Industries;

sh. Babaie industries)

Address: Kalery Bldg., Damovand Road, Tehran 1916, Iran

Place of registration: Tehran, Iran

Associated entities: Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO)

M Babaie Industries is a subordinate to Iran’s Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO), which is involved in the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems. M. Babaie Industries develops missile technologies for the benefit of the Air Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran, such as an improved version of the MIM-23B air defence missile. It is thus controlled by an entity engaged in Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities (AIO).


(UN: 9.6.2010)


Malek Ashtar University

Address no. 1: Shahin Shahr Township, End of Ferdowsi Avenue, PO Box 83154/115, Isfahan, Iran

Address no. 2: Corner of Imam Ali Highway and Babaei Highway, Tehran, Iran

Principal place of business: Iran

Associated entities: Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL);

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC);

Defense Technology and Science Research Center (DTSRC)

Malek Ashtar University is an Iranian university subordinate to the Defense Technology and Science Research Center (DTSRC) that supports the education and research and development needs of the Iranian Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL). Its faculty members have conducted research relevant to missiles and nuclear power. They have also been involved in illicit procurement of MTCR-listed goods in violation of UN Security Council Resolutions. Therefore, it is directly associated with Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities.


(UN: 9.6.2010

EU: 24.6.2008)


Mizan Machinery Manufacturing

(a.k.a. 3MG;


Mizan Machine;

3M Mizan Machinery Manufacturing)

Address: P.O. Box 16595/365, Tehran, Iran

Place of registration: Iran

Principal place of business: Tehran, Iran

Associated entities: Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO)

Mizan Machinery Manufacturing is acting on behalf of, and is controlled by, Iran’s Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO), which is involved in the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems. It has been involved in commercial transactions around sensitive ballistic missile-related material. It is thus providing support for nuclear weapon delivery systems.


(UN: 9.6.2010

EU: 24.6.2008)


Niru Battery Manufacturing Company

(شرکت باطرﻯ سازﻯ نیرو)

(a.k.a. Niru Battery Manufacturing Company;

Niru Batteries MFG. Co. Ltd.;

Nour Battery Manufacturing Company;

Sherkate Battrijazi Niru;

Niru Battery Co;

Niru Battery Mfg. Co.;

Nirou Battery Manufacturing Saba Battery Company;

Niru Co. Ltd.;

Sherkat Battery Sazi Niru Sahami Khass;

The Niru Battery Company;

Niru Battery Manufacturing (Batrisazi-ye Niru);

Niru Battery Mfg.CO (Saba Battery);

Sherkate Batri-e Niru;

Power Energy Source Development Company (ESDO))

Address no. 1: Nobonyad Blvd., Pasdaran Avenue, P.O. Box 19575/361, Tehran, Iran

Address no. 2: Next to Babee Exp. Way, Nobonyad Sq., Tehran, Iran

Address no. 3: Next to Shahid Babaei Exp. way, Nobonyad Sq., 16689, Tehran, Iran

Address no. 4: End of Pasdaran Avenue, Nobonyad Square, Tehran, Iran

Telephone no.: +98 21 251 0523/

254 7093;

+98 21 22547094;

+98 21 22567608-9;

+98 21 2545084



Place of registration: Tehran, Iran

Principal place of business: Iran

Associated entities: Saba Battery;

Defense Industries Organization (DIO);

Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL)

Niru Battery Manufacturing Company is an entity registered in Iran that manufactures power units for the Iranian military, including for missile systems. It is controlled by the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL), responsible for Iran’s defence research, development and manufacturing programmes, including support to missile and nuclear programmes. Niru Battery Manufacturing Company is a subsidiary of the Defense Industries Organization (DIO), a conglomerate of companies run by the Islamic Republic of Iran whose function is to provide the Armed Forces with the necessary manufacturing capacity and technical abilities. Niru Battery Manufacturing Company is therefore controlled by an entity engaged in Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities and development of nuclear weapon delivery systems.


(UN: 3.3.2008)


Safety Equipment Procurement Company

(a.k.a.Safety Equipment Procurement;


SEP Co.;


Safety Equipment Procurement Inc.)

Address: P.O. Box 16785/195, Tehran, Iran

Associated entities: Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO);

Pejman Industrial Services

Safety Equipment Procurement Company is a front company for Iran’s Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO), which is responsible for Iran’s liquid-fuelled ballistic missile programme. AIO is the leading industrial and military subsidiary of Iran’s Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL) and oversees Iran’s missile production. AIO has used the Safety Equipment Procurement Company for procurement since at least 2003. It is involved in Iran’s ballistic missile activities and is therefore engaged in, directly associated with or providing support for Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities.


(UN: 3.3.2008)


Sanam Industrial Group

(a.k.a. Sanam Industries Group;

Sanam Industrial Production Group;

Department 140;

Sanam Projects Management (SPM);

Sanam Industrial Company;

Sanam Industries Co.;

Sanam Industrial and Trading Company;

Sanam Group)

Address no. 1: Pasdaran Road 15, Tehran, Iran

Address no. 2: 3rd Fl., Sanam Bldg., Nobonyad Sq., Pasdaran Ave., Tehran (19579), Iran

Address no. 3: P.O. Box 19575/596, Tehran, Iran

Address no. 4: Km. 25th of Khavaran Rd., Tehran, Iran (Factory Address)

Address no. 5: Farzam Alley, No 3, Fatemi Square, Palestine St

Telephone no.:

+98 21 2546008;

+98 21 2556772;

+98 21 88969501


+98 21 2556830;

+98 21 88969501

Place of registration: Tehran

Registration no.: 176855

Economic code: 411139673763

National ID: 10102191894

Date of registration: 1987 and 2001

Associated individuals: Reza Sadougi, CEO

Sanam Industrial Group is controlled by Iran’s Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO) and has purchased equipment for the Iranian missile programme. Sanam Industrial Group is therefore providing support for Iran’s development of nuclear weapon delivery systems and is an entity that provides support to the Government of Iran and entities owned or controlled by it or persons and entities associated with it.


(UN: 24.3.2007)


Special Industries Group (SIG)

(گروه صنایع ویژه سازمان صنایع دفاع جمهورﻯ اسلامی ایران)

(a.k.a.:Ministry of Defense Special Industries Group;

Special Industries Organization (SIO);

Special Industrial Groups of the Ministry of Defense;

Organization of Special Industries; Special Group;


Ministry of Defense Special Industries Organization;

Ministry of Defense Special Industrial Groups;

Department 154;

Special Industries Section;

Special Industries Division;

Special Industry Group; Special Industries;

Organization of Special Industry;

Special Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Industries;


Address no. 1: North Felestine Ave., Tehran, Iran

Address no. 2: Pasdaran Ave., Tehran, Iran

Address no. 3: P.O. Box 19585/777, Tehran, Iran

Address no. 4: Zartosht Street, Tehran

Type of entity: Subsidiary of Iran’s Defense Industries Organization (DIO), which is a subsidiary of the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL)

Place of registration: Tehran, Iran

Associated entities: Iran’s Defense Industries Organization (DIO);

Iran’s Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL)

Special Industries Group (SIG) is a subsidiary of the Defense Industries Organization (DIO), which is controlled by, and provides support to, the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL). It is therefore controlled by an entity that provides support to the Government of Iran.


(UN: 9.6.2010

EU: 24.7.2007)


Yazd Metallurgy Industries (YMI)

(شرکت ذوب فلزات یزد)


Yazd Metallurgy Industry;

Yazd Ammunition Industries;

Yazd Metallurgical Ind’s Co.;

Yazd Metallurgical Industries;

Yazd Metal Smelting Industrial Group;

Yazd Ammunition Manufacturing and Metallurgy Industries;

Directorate of Yazd Ammunition and Metallurgy Industries)

Address no. 1: Pasdaran Ave., Next to Telecommunication Industry, Tehran 16588, Iran

Address no. 2: P.O. Box 89195/878, Yazd, Iran

Address no. 3: P.O. Box 89195/678, Yazd, Iran

Address no. 4: Km 5 of Taft Road, Yazd, Iran

Telephone no.: +98 35 15220322

Fax no.: +98 35 1523096

Place of registration: Iran

Date of registration: 1961

Registration number: 860

Economic code: 411315443678

Associated individuals: Li Fang Wei a.k.a. Karl Lee

Associated entities: Defense Industries Organization (DIO);

LIMMT Economic and Trade Company (LIMMT);

Ammunition and Metallurgy Industries Group (AMIG);

Shahid Sayyad Shirazi Industries;

Yazd Metallurgy Industries (YMI) is affiliated with Defense Industries Organization (DIO) and is a subsidiary of Ammunition Industries Group in Iran. YMI is involved in IR-1 centrifuge components manufacturing at DIO workshops in Iran’s missile programme. Furthermore, it is involved in the production of goods that can be used for either the production of nuclear weapons or vehicles for the delivery of such weapons.

Therefore, it has been providing support for the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems by Iran, through the involvement in procurement of the prohibited items, goods, equipment, materials and technology.


(UN: 9.6.2010)


Qods Aeronautics Industries

(شرکت صنایع هوایی قدس)

(a.k.a. Qods Aviation Industries (QAI);

Quds Air Industries;

Company for Designing and Manufacturing Light Aircraft;Light Aircraft Design and Manufacturing Industries)

Address no.1: Unit 207, Tarajit Maydane Taymori (or Teimori) Square, Basiri Building, Tarasht, Tehran, Iran

Address no.2: 4 Km Karaj Road, Tehran, Iran

Type of entity: Aviation manufacturing company

Associated entities: IRGC;

Iran’s Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL);

Iran Aviation Industries Organization (IAIO);

Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO)

Qods Aeronautics Industriesis an Iranian company that designs and manufactures Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) used by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). It is a subsidiary of the Iran Aviation Industries Organization (IAIO), a state-owned enterprise subordinate to the Iranian Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL). Therefore, Qods Aeronautics is controlled by an entity supporting the government of Iran and providing essential services to the IRGC.


(UN: 24.3.2007)


Shahid Baheri Industrial Group (SBIG)

(صنایع شهید باقرﻯ)

(a.k.a. Shahid Baheri Organisation;


Shahid Baheri Industries Group;

Shahid Bakeri Industrial Group;

Department 140/14;

Shahid Bagheri Industries Group;

Mahtab Technical Engineering Company;

Composite Propellant Missile Industry;

Sanaye Sokhte Morakab;


Address: Pasdaran Ave., Tehran, Iran

Associated individuals: Mehrdada Akhlaghi Ketabachi (Head of Shahid Baheri Industrial Group (SBIG))

Associated entities: Subordinate entity of Iran’s Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO)

Shahid Baheri Industrial Group (SBIG) is a subsidiary to Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO). Shahid Baheri Industrial Group (SBIG) develops and produces Iran’s solid-propellant ballistic missiles. The development of such missiles is key to the building of nuclear weapon delivery capacities. Therefore, SBIG is engaged in, directly associated with, or providing support for, Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities or for the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems.


(UN: 23.12.2006)


Shahid Hemmat Industries Group (SHIG)

(گروه صنعتی شهید همت)

(a.k.a. Sabalan CIE;

Sahand Aluminum Parts Industrial Company (SAPICO);Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group (SHIG);

Chahid Hemmat Industrial Group;

Hemmat Missile Industries Factory;

Shahid Hemmat Industrial Complex;


Shahid Hemmat Industrial Factories;


Shahid Hemmat Industries Group;

Shahid Hemmat Complex;

Shahid Hemmat Industries;

Shahid Hemmat Industrial Complex;

Shahid Hemat; Industrial Complex;

Shahid Hemmat)

Address: Damavand Tehran Highway, P.O. Box 16595/159, No 5, Eslami St., Golestane Sevvom St., Pasdaran St., Tehran, Iran

Associated entities: Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO);

Sabalan Company;

Sabalan Petrochemical company;

Sabalan Petrochemical Industries Company;



Shahid Hemmat Industries Group (SHIG) is subordinate to Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO). SHIG is responsible for Iran’s liquid-fuelled ballistic missile programme, including the production of missiles. The development of such missiles is key to the building of nuclear weapon delivery capacities. Therefore, SHIG is engaged in, directly associated with, or providing support for, Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities or for the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems.


(UN: 23.12.2006)


Shahid Kharrazi Industries

(صنایع شهید خرازﻯ)

(a.k.a. Kharrazi Industry;

Shahid Kharrazy Industries Group)

Address: After Atashneshani Square, Khojir region, southeastern Tehran, Iran

Associated entities: Shahid Baheri Industrial Group (SBIG);

Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO)

Shahid Kharrazi Industries is a defence firm subordinate to Shahid Baheri Industrial Group (SBIG) – itself subordinate to Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO) – which is responsible for Iran’s solid-fuelled ballistic missile programme. Develops and produces guidance and control systems for solid-propellant ballistic missiles. Therefore, Shahid Kharrazi Industries is engaged in, directly associated with, or providing support for, Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities or for the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems.


(UN: 9.6.2010)


Shahid Sattari Industries Group (SSIG)

(صنایع شهید ستارﻯ)

(a.k.a. Sanaye Shahid Satari;

Mohemat Sazie Shahid Satary)

Address: Southeast Tehran, Iran

Associated entities: Shahid Baheri Industrial Group (SBIG);

Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO)

Shahid Sattari Industries Group (SSIG) is involved in the manufacturing and maintenance of ground support equipment for Shahid Baheri Industrial Group (SBIG), which is responsible for Iran’s solid-fuelled ballistic missile programme and a subsidiary of Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO). SSIG produces ammunition components, including fuses, detonators, and primers, is involved in the manufacture of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and manufactures pressure regulators and equipment for mines and oil wells.


(UN: 9.6.2010)


Ya Mahdi Industries Group

(گروه صنایع موشکی یا مهدﻯ (عج))

(a.k.a. Ya Mahdi Industrial Complex;

Ya Mahdi Industries Group;

Ya Mahdi Group;

Ya-Mahdi Aircraft Manufacturing;

O Mahdi Aircraft Manufacturing;

YMA Research & Industrial Complex;

Ya Mahdi AG Industrial Research Complex;

YMA College)

Address no. 1: Khorasan Road, Lavizan, Parchin, PO Box 19395-4731, Tehran, Iran

Address no. 2: P. O. Box 19585-774, Tehran, Iran

Address No 3: Noboniad Sq., Tehran, Iran

Associated entities: Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO)

Ya Mahdi Industries Group has been involved in international purchases of missile-related technology and goods on behalf of the Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO). Ya Mahdi Industries Group offers anti-tank guided missiles and produces anti-tank missile systems and air-defence systems. The development of such missiles is key to the building of nuclear weapon delivery capacities. Therefore Ya Mahdi Industries Group is engaged in, directly associated with, or providing support for, Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities or for the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems.


(UN: 24.3.2007)

( 1 )

In accordance with Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/603, this entry shall apply until 22 October 2016.

II. Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)

  1. Persons


Identifying information


Date of listing


IRGC Brigadier-General Javad DARVISH-VAND

Former Deputy Minister of Defence and Inspector General of MODAFL.



Rear Admiral Ali FADAVI

Deputy Commander-General of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Former Commander of IRGC Navy.



Parviz FATAH

Born in 1961

Former member of the IRGC. Former Minister of Energy. Since July 2019, head of the ‘Mostazafan Foundation’, former member of the Board of Trustees of the Imam Khomeini Foundation.



IRGC Brigadier-General Seyyed Mahdi FARAHI

Deputy Minister of Defence and Armed Forces Support since 2021. Previously Deputy Minister of Defence and Industrial Affairs of the Ministry of Defence, head of the Defence Industries and Aerospace Organizations of the Ministry of Defence, as well as commander of the Armed Forces Personnel Training Camp. Former head of Iran's Aerospace Industries Organisation (AIO) and former managing director of the UN-designated Defence Industries Organisation (DIO). Member of the IRGC.



IRGC Brigadier-General Ali HOSEYNITASH

Member of the IRGC. Member of the Supreme National Security Council and involved in formulating policy on nuclear issues.



Mohammad Ali JAFARI

Former Commander of the IRGC. Currently head of the Hazrat Baqiatollah al-Azam Cultural and Social Headquarters.



IRGC Brigadier-General Mostafa Mohammad NAJJAR

Former Minister for the Interior and former Minister of MODAFL, responsible for all military programmes, including ballistic missiles programmes. Since September 2013, Senior Advisor to the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces on Knowledge and Technology Industry. Member of the IRGC.



Mohammad Reza NAQDI

(محمد رضا نقدﻯ)

(a.k.a. Mohammad-Reza NAQDI;

Mohammad Reza NAGDI;

Gholamreza NAQDI)

POB: Tehran, Iran

Function: Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Deputy Commander

Rank: Brig. General

Nationality: Iranian

Gender: male

Mohammad Reza Naqdi is a Deputy Commander and Brigadier General within the IRGC and is therefore a member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).


(UN: 3.3.2008)


BrigGen Mohammad PAKPUR

Commander of IRGC Ground Forces



Hossein SALAMI

(حسین سلامی)

(a.k.a. Hosein SALIMI;

Hussain SALIMI;

Hosain SALIMI;

Husain SALIMI;

Hossein SALIMI;

Hossein SALEEMI;

Hussain SALEEMI;



DOB: 1960 or 1961

POB: Isfahan, Iran

Function: Commander-in-Chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)

Rank: Maj. General

Nationality: Iranian

Gender: male

Passport No.: D08531177

Commander-in-Chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).


(UN: 23.12.2006)


IRGC Brigadier-General Ali SHAMSHIRI

Member of the IRGC. Advisor to the director of the Defence Science and Education Research Institute. Has held senior roles in MODAFL.



IRGC Brigadier-General Ahmad VAHIDI

Since 25 August 2021, Minister of Interior. Former President of the Supreme National Defence University and former Minister of MODAFL.



Abolghassem Mozaffari SHAMS

Former head of Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters.



Ali Ashraf NOURI

Head of the Basij Islamic Revolution Art Educational and Research Complex. Formerly IRGC Deputy Commander, IRGC Political Bureau Chief.



Hojatoleslam Ali SAIDI (a.k.a. Hojjat- al-Eslam Ali Saidi or Saeedi)

Since March 2017, head of the ideological and political bureau of the Supreme Leader in his role as Commander-in-chief. Previously representative of the Supreme Leader to the IRGC.



IRGC Brigadier-General Amir Ali Haji ZADEH (a.k.a. Amir Ali HAJIZADEH)

IRGC Aerospace Force Commander.




(علی اکبرطباطبایی)

(a.k.a. Sayed Akbar TAHMAESEBI)

DOB: 1967

POB: Iran

Function: Member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Qods-Force (IRGC-QF)

Nationality: Iranian

Gender: male

Ali Akbar Tabatabaei is the former Commander of the IRGC-QF Africa Corps. As the commander of all IRGC-QF operations in Africa, Tabatabaei’s duties entail overseeing IRGC-QF weapons transfers to Africa. As such he is a member of the IRGC.


(UN: 18.4.2012)



(عظیم اقاجانی)

(a.k.a. Azim ADHAJANI;


DOB: 1967

POB: Iran

Function: Member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)

Nationality: Iranian

Gender: male

Azim Aghajani is a member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).


(UN: 18.4. 2012)



مرتضی بهمنیار

(مرتضی بهمنیار)

DOB: 31.12.1952

POB: Tehran, Iran

Function: Chief Financial Officer of the Bonyad Taavon Sepah;

Head of Kauthar/Kausar/Kothar/Kosar Insurance.

Nationality: Iranian

Gender: male

Morteza Bahmanyar is Chief Financial Officer of the Bonyad Taavon Sepah, also known as the the IRGC Cooperative Foundation. Bonyad Taavon Sepah was formed by the Commanders of the IRGC to structure the IRGC’s investments. It is controlled by the IRGC and Kauthar Insurance, also known as Kausar, Kothar or Kosar Insurance. Kauthar Insurance is a subsidiary controlled by the IRGC. Bahmanyar is currently the head of Kauthar Insurance. Therefore, Bahmanyar is directly associated with and provides insurance to the IRGC.


(UN: 23.12.2006)


Mohammad Mehdi Nejad NOURI

(محمد مهدﻯ نژد نورﻯ)

(a.k.a. Mohammad Mehdi Nezhad NOURI;

Mohammad Mehdi Nejad NURI;

Mohammad Mehdi Nezhad NURI)

DOB: 1960

POB: Amol, Iran

Function: Vice President of Science, Research and Technology of the General Staff of the Armed Forces

Rank: Brig. General

Nationality: Iranian

Gender: male

Mohammad Mehdi Nejad Nouri is Brigadier General in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Vice President of Science, Research and Technology of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.

Therefore, he is a member of the IRGC.


(UN: 23.12.2006)


Yahya Rahim SAFAVI

(یحیی رحیم صفوﻯ)



Sayed Yahya SAFAVI;

Yahia Rahim SAFAWI;

Seyyed Yahya RAHIM-SAFAVI;

Yahya Rahim AL-SIFAWI;


DOB: 1952 or 1953

POB: Isfahan, Iran

Function: Member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Senior Adviser to the Supreme Leader for Military Affairs

Rank: Maj. General

Nationality: Iranian

Gender: male

Yahya Rahim Safavi is a Major General of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Senior Adviser to the Supreme Leader for Military Affairs.


(UN: 23.12.2006)


Mohammad Reza ZAHEDI

(محمد رضا زهدﻯ)

(a.k.a. Mohammad Raza ZAHEDI;

Mohammad Reza ZAHIDI;


DOB: 1944

POB: Isfahan, Iran

Function: Commander in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)

Nationality: Iranian

Gender: male

Mohammad Reza Zahedi is a high-ranking official and Ground Forces Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Mohammad Reza Zahedi is therefore a member of the IRGC.


(UN: 24.3.2007)

  1. Entities


Identifying information


Date of listing


Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)

Tehran, Iran

Responsible for Iran's nuclear programme. Has operational control for Iran's ballistic missile programme. Has undertaken procurement attempts to support Iran's ballistic missiles and nuclear programmes



IRGC Air Force

Operates Iran's inventory of short and medium range ballistic missiles. The head of the IRGC air force was designated by UNSCR 1737 (2006)



IRGC-Air Force Al-Ghadir Missile Command

The IRGC-Air Force Al-Ghadir Missile Command is a specific element within the IRGC Air Force that has been working with SBIG (designated under UNSCR 1737) with the FATEH 110, short range ballistic missile as well as the Ashura medium range ballistic missile. This command appears to be the entity that actually has the operational control of the missiles.



Naserin Vahid

Naserin Vahid produces weapons parts on behalf of the IRGC. An IRGC front company.



IRGC Qods Force

Tehran, Iran

Iran's ►C1 Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Qods Force is responsible for operations outside Iran and is Tehran's principal foreign policy tool for special operations and support to terrorists and Islamic militants abroad. Hizballah used Qods Force-supplied rockets, anti-ship cruise missiles (ASCMs), man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS), and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the 2006 conflict with Israel and benefited from Qods Force training on these systems, according to press reporting. According to a varietyof reports, the Qods Force continues to re-supply and train Hizballah on advanced weaponry, anti-aircraft missiles, and long-range rockets. The Qods Force continues to provide limited lethal support, training, and funding to Taliban fighters in southern and western Afghanistan including small arms, ammunition, mortars, and short-range battlefield rockets.

Commander has been sanctioned under UNSCR



Sepanir Oil and Gas Energy Engineering Company

(a.k.a. Sepah Nir;



Sepanir Oil & Gas Energy Eng. Co.;

Sepanir Oil and Gas Energy Eng. Co SSK)

Address No 1: No 216 (Former 319) Bahonar Avenue (Niavaran), Tehran, Iran

Address No 2: P.O. Box 19575/657, Tehran, Iran

Telephone no.:

+98 21 22833960;

+98 22 833960 (10 lines)

Telefax no.:

+98 2122 833970


Type of entity: public company

Place of registration: Iran

Date of registration: 2006

Principal place of business: Iran

Associated entities: Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC);

Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters (KAA)

Sepanir Oil and Gas Energy Engineering Company is an oil and gas company and a subsidiary of Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters (KAA) and is therefore controlled by the IRGC.


(UN: 9.6.2010)


Bonyad Taavon Sepah (a.k.a. IRGC Cooperative Foundation; Bonyad-e Ta'avon-Sepah; Sepah Cooperative Foundation)

Niayes Highway, Seoul Street, Tehran, Iran

Bonyad Taavon Sepah, also known as the IRGC Cooperative Foundation, was formed by the Commanders of the IRGC to structure the IRGC's investments. It is controlled by the IRGC. Bonyad Taavon Sepah's Board of Trustees is composed of nine members, of whom eight are IRGC members. These officers include the IRGC's Commander in Chief, who is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, the Supreme Leader's representative to the IRGC, the Basij commander, the IRGC Ground Forces commander, the IRGC Air Force commander, the IRGC Navy commander, the head of the IRGC Information Security Organization, a senior IRGC officer from the Armed Forces General Staff, and a senior IRGC officer from MODAFL.



Ansar Bank (a.k.a. Ansar Finance and Credit Fund; Ansar Financial and Credit Institute; Ansae Institute; Ansar al-Mojahedin No-Interest Loan Institute; Ansar Saving and Interest Free-Loans Fund)

No. 539, North Pasdaran Avenue, Tehran; Ansar Building, North Khaje Nasir Street, Tehran, Iran

Bonyad Taavon Sepah created Ansar Bank to provide financial and credit services to IRGC personnel. Initially, Ansar Bank operated as a credit union and transitioned in to a fully fledged bank in mid 2009, upon receiving a licence from Iran's Central bank. Ansar Bank, formerly known as Ansar al Mojahedin, has been linked to the IRGC for over 20 years. IRGC members received their salaries through Ansar bank. In addition, Ansar bank provided special benefits to IRGC personnel, includingreduced rates for home furnishings and free, or reduced-cost, health care.



Mehr Bank (a.k.a Mehr Finance and Credit Institute; Mehr Interest-Free Bank)

No. 182, Shahid Tohidi St, 4 th Golsetan, Pasdaran Ave, Tehran 1666943, Iran

Mehr Bank is controlled by Bonyad Taavon Sepah and the IRGC. Mehr Bank provides financial services to the IRGC. According to an open source interview with the then head of Bonyad Taavon Sepah, Parviz Fatah, Bonyad Taavon Sepah created Mehr Bank to serve the Basij (paramilitary arm of the IRGC).



Behnam Sahriyari Trading Company

Postal address: Ziba Building, 10th Floor, Northern Sohrevardi Street, Tehran, Iran

Involved in the shipment of arms on behalf of the IRGC.



Etemad Amin Invest Co Mobin (a.k.a.: Etemad Amin Investment Company Mobin; Etemad-e Mobin; Etemad Amin Invest Company Mobin; Etemad Mobin Co.; Etemad Mobin Trust Co.; Etemade Mobin Company; Mobin Trust Consortium; Etemad-e Mobin Consortium)

Pasadaran Av. Tehran, Iran

A company owned or controlled by IRGC that contributes to financing the strategic interests of the regime.



Fater Institute

(مؤسسه فاطر)

(a.k.a.Faater Institute;

Fater Engineering Company;

Gharargah Ghaem Faater Institute;

Fater Engineering)

Address no. 1: No 25, Valiasr Jonoobi, Azizi Street, Azadi Sq. NE, Tehran, Iran

Address no. 2: No 221, Phase 4, North Falamak-Zarafshan Intersection, Shahrak-E-Ghods, Tehran 14678, Iran

Type of entity: public company

Place of registration: Iran

Principal place of business: Iran

Associated entities: Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC);

Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters (KAA);

Niro Holding

Fater Institute is a construction company and subsidiary of the IRGC entity Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters (KAA) and is therefore controlled by the IRGC.


(UN: 9.6.2010)


Gharagahe Sazandegi Ghaem

(قرارگاه سازندگی قائم)

(a.k.a. Gharargah Ghaem;

Gharargah Sazandegi Ghaem/Khatam Ghaem;

GHAEM Construction Organization;

Ghaem Construction Co.;

Garagahe Sazandegi Ghaem;

Gharargahe Sazandegi Khatam Alanbia Company)

Address: No 25, Valiasr St., Azadi Sq., Tehran, Iran

Type of entity: public company

Place of registration: Iran

Principal place of business: Iran

Associated entities: Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC);

Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters (KAA)

Gharagahe Sazandegi Ghaem is a construction company and subsidiary of Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters (KAA), a company controlled by the IRGC. It is therefore controlled by IRGC.


(UN: 9.6.2010)


Ghorb Karbala

(قرب کربلا)

Address: No 2 Firouzeh Alley, Shahid Hadjipour St., Resalat Highway, Tehran, Iran

Associated entities: Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC);

Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters (KAA)

Ghorb Karbala is a subsidiary of Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters (KAA) and therefore controlled by the IRGC.


(UN: 9.6.2010)


Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters

(قرارگاه سازندگی خاتم الانبیاء)

Address: No 221, Phase 4, North Falamak-Zarafshan Intersection, Shahrak-E-Ghods, Tehran 14678, Iran

Type of entity: public company

Place of registration: Iran

Principal place of business: Iran

Associated individuals: Sardar Abed (Commander of Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters)

Associated entities: Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC);

Fater Institute;

Niro Holding

Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters is a construction company controlled by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).


(UN: 9.6.2010)


Makin Institute

(مؤسسه مکین)

(a.k.a. Makin company)

Address: No 2 Iravan St. – Tishfoon St. – Khaje Abdol ah Ansari St. – Shariati St., Tehran, Iran

Type of entity: subsidiary of Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters, which is an Iranian engineering firm controlled by the IRGC.

Place of registration: Tehran, Iran

Principal place of business: Tehran, Iran

Associated entities:

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC);

Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters (KAA)

The Makin Institute is an engineering company operating under the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). The Makin Institute is therefore controlled by the IRGC.


(UN: 9.6.2010)


Rah Sahel

(راه ساحل)

(a.k.a. Rah Sahel Institute;

Rah Sahel Co;

Rah e Sahel Org.;

Rah Sahel est.)

Address: Tehran, Iran

Associated entities: Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC);

Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters (KAA)

Rah Sahel is a construction company and a subsidiary of Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters (KAA), which is controlled by the IRGC. As a subsidiary of KAA, the engineering arm of the IRGC, Rah Sahel serves to help the IRGC generate income and fund its operation. Rah Sahel is therefore controlled by the IRGC and acting on its behalf.


(UN: 9.6.2010)


Rahab Engineering Institute

(a.k.a. Rahab Institute

Previously known as:

Rahsaz Institute)

Address no. 1: Eastern 14th St., Beihaghi Blvd., Arjantin Sq., Tehran, Iran

Address no. 2: Ghorb-e Ghaem Building, Valiasr St., Azizi Blvd., Azadi Sq., Tehran, Iran

Principal place of business: Iran

Associated entities: Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC);

Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters (KAA)

Rahab Engineering Institute, formerly known as Rahsaz Institute, is a company and subsidiary of Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters (KAA). It directly supports mining and engineering projects. It is affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and is controlled by it.


(UN: 9.6.2010)


Sepasad Engineering Company

(a.k.a. Sepasad Co.)

Address: No 4 corner of Shad St., Mollasadra Ave., Vanak Sq., Tehran, Iran

Telephone no.: +98 21 88643750


Date of registration: 1992

Associated entities: Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC);

Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters (KAA)

Sepasad Engineering Company is a subsidiary of the IRGC entity Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters (KAA) and is therefore controlled by the IRGC.


(UN: 9.6.2010)


Sho’a’ Aviation

(a.k.a. Sho’a’ Aviation;

Shuaa Airlines)

Address no. 1: Opposite to Golestan Np. 7, Bldg. No 110, Suite No 5, Pasdaran Street, Tehran

Address no. 2: Pasdaran Street, Across from Golestan Haftom, Building 3110, Apartment 5, Tehran, Iran

Type of entity: Aviation company

Place of registration: Iran

Associated individuals: Morteza Rezaie;

Ali Akbar Ahmadian;

Mohammad Reza Zahedi;

Morteza Safari;

Mohammad Bagher Zolghadr

Associated entities: Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC);

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force

Sho’a’ Aviation is an aviation company in Iran. The company has procured military goods for the IRGC that were used by the IRGC in its asymmetric warfare doctrine. Sho’a’ Aviation has therefore acted on behalf of the IRGC and provided essential services to the IRGC.


(UN: 24.3.2007)


Behineh Trading Co.

Address: Tavakoli Building, Opposite of 15th Alley, Emam-Jomeh Street, Tehran, Iran.

Associated individuals: Ali Akbar Tabatabaei (IRGC);

Azim Aghajani (IRGC);

Esmail Ghani, a.k.a. Ismail Akbar Nezhad or Esmail Qani

Associated entities: Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)

Behineh Trading Co., which is owned and/or controlled by the Behineh Trading Company, is a front company for the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Behineh Trading Company is also related to Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities or Iran’s development of nuclear weapon delivery systems. It has also been involved in the illegal transport to deliver IRGC equipment. Behineh Trading Co. has been managed and/or overseen by Esmail Ghani, the Head of Iran’s IRGC Quds Force. Therefore, Behineh Trading Co. is owned and/or controlled by the IRGC.


(UN: 18.4.2012)


Ghorb Nooh

Address: P.O. Box 16765/3476, Tehran, Iran

Associated entities: Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters (KAA);

Hara Company;

Omran Sahel;

Sahel Consultant Engineers;

National Iranian Oil company (NIOC);

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)

Ghorb Nooh is a subsidiary of Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters (KAA) and therefore controlled by the IRGC.


(UN: 9.6.2010)


Hara Company

(a.k.a. Hara Institute)

Address: Takhti Three-way Intersection, Tehran, Iran

Associated entities: Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC);

Ghorb Nooh;

Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters (KAA)

Hara Company is a subsidiary of Khatam al-Anbiya, a company which is owned and controlled by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Khatam al-Anbiya’s top management positions are controlled by senior members of the IRGC. Therefore Hara Company is controlled by the IRGC.


(UN: 9.6.2010)


Omran Sahel


Associated entities: Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters (KAA);

Ghorb Nooh

Omran Sahel is owned and/or controlled by Ghorb Nooh, a subsidiary of Khatam al-Anbiya, a company which is owned and controlled by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Khatam al-Anbiya’s top management positions are controlled by senior members of the IRGC. Therefore, Omran Sahel is an entity or body owned or controlled by the IRGC.


(UN: 9.6.2010)


Oriental Oil Kish

(a.k.a. Oriental Kish Company;

Oriental Oil)

Address: No 98 East Atefi St. Africa Blvd., Tehran

Associated entities: Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters (KAA);

Oriental Oil Kish is a subsidiary of Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters, which is owned and controlled by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Therefore, Oriental Oil Kish is owned or controlled by the IRGC.


(UN: 9.6.2010)


Pars Aviation Services Company

(a.k.a. Pars Aviation Service Company;

Pars Aviation Service Co.; PASC)

Address: P.O. Box 1656/13455, Karaj special road – after Ekbatan overpass – beside the commercial customs, Mehrabad International Airport, Tehran, Iran

Place of registration: Tehran, Iran

Associated entities: Yas Air;

Pouya Air

Pars Aviation Services Company is an Iranian aircraft supply and repair company operating for the IRGC Aerospace Force (IRGC-AF). Therefore, Pars Aviation Services Company is controlled by the IRGC.


(UN: 24.3.2007)


Sahel Consultant Engineers

(a.k.a. Sahel Consultant Engineering Co.;

Sahel Company;

Sahel Consulting Engineers;


Sahel Engineering Consulting Co.;

Sahel Consultant Engineering)

Address no. 1: P.O Box 16765-34, Tehran, Iran

Address no. 2: No 57, Eftekhar St., Larestan St., Motahhari Ave, Tehran, Iran

Address no. 3: NO. 57, Oftani St., Larestan St., Motahari Ave., Tehran, Iran

Associated entities: Ghorb Nooh;

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC);

Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters (KAA)

Sahel Consultant Engineers is owned and/or controlled by Ghorb Nooh, a subsidiary of Khatam al-Anbiya, a company which is owned and controlled by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Therefore, Sahel Consultants Engineers is an entity owned or controlled by the IRGC.


(UN: 9.6.2010)


Imensazan Consultant Engineers Institute

مؤسسه مهندسین مشاور) ایمنسازان)

(a.k.a. ICEI;

Imensazen Consultant Engineers;

Imensazan Consultant Engineers Institute;

Imen Sazan Consultant Engineers;

Imen Sazen Consultant Engineers Institute;

Imen Sazan Consulting Engineers;

Imen Sazan Consulting Ins.;

Imensazan Co. Eng.;

Imensazan Consulting Eng.)

Address no. 1: 121 First Golestan Street, Pasdaran Tehran, Tehran Province 65916, Iran

Address no. 2: No 5/1, Niroo Alley, Padegan-e-Valiasr Street, Sepah Square, Tehran, Iran

Address no. 3: Tehran – Ashrafi Esfahani to the north – above Hakim Bridge – before Chirag Bagh Faiz – East Ayatollah

Address no. 4: Sadouq Street – No 5 – Postal code 1461934358 (Mr Engineer Azad – Iran Concrete Association)

Telephone no.: 44234261

Place of registration: Iran

Date of registration: 1989 and 1990

Associated entities: Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC);

Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters (KAA)

Imensazan Consultant Engineers Institute is a tunnel construction and passive defence company and a subsidiary of the IRGC entity Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters (KAA). Imensazan Consultant Engineers Institute is therefore controlled by the IRGC.


(UN: 9.6.2010)


Yas Air

یاس ایر

(a.k.a. Pouya Air;

Pouya Airlines;

Yas Air Kish;

YasAir Cargo Airline;

Pars Air;

Pars Aviation Service Company (PASC);

Qeshm Air)

Address: Mehrabad International Airport, Next to Terminal No 6, Tehran, Iran


Type of entity: Cargo airline

Place of registration: Iran

Date of registration: 2000 (as Qeshm Air) and 2008 renamed Yas Air

Associated entities: Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)

Yas Air, also known as Pouya Air, is an Iranian cargo airline created and managed as a direct subsidiary of the IRGC. It is therefore controlled by the IRGC.


(UN: 10.12.2012)

III. Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL)

A. Person

B. Entities