Lebanon - Common Position 2006/625

Article 1

1.   The direct or indirect sale, supply, transfer or export of arms and related materiel of all types, including weapons and ammunition, military vehicles and equipment, paramilitary equipment and spare parts for the aforementioned to any entity or individual in Lebanon by nationals of Member States or from the territories of Member States, or using their flag vessels or aircraft, shall be prohibited whether originating or not in their territories.

2.   It shall be prohibited:

(a) to provide technical assistance, brokering services and other services related to military activities and to the provision, manufacture, maintenance and use of arms and related materiel of all types, including weapons and ammunition, military vehicles and equipment, paramilitary equipment, and spare parts for the aforementioned, directly or indirectly to any natural or legal person, entity or body in, or for use in, Lebanon;

(b) to provide financing or financial assistance related to military activities, including in particular grants, loans and export credit insurance for any sale, supply, transfer or export of arms and related materiel, or for the provision of related technical assistance, brokering services and other services, directly or indirectly to any natural or legal person, entity or body in, or for use in, Lebanon;

(c) to participate, knowingly or intentionally, in activities the object or effect of which is to circumvent the prohibition referred to at points (a) or (b).

Article 2

1.   Article 1 shall not apply to the sale, supply, transfer or export of arms and related materiel or the provision of technical assistance, financing and financial assistance, brokering services and other services related to arms and related materiel, provided that

(a) the goods or services are not supplied, directly or indirectly, to any militia for whose disarmament the UN Security Council has called in its Resolutions 1559 (2004) and 1680 (2006), and

(b) the transaction has been authorised by the Government of Lebanon or UNIFIL, or

(c) the goods or services are for the use by UNIFIL in the performance of its mission or by the Lebanese armed forces.

2.   The sale, supply, transfer or export of arms and related materiel or the provision of technical assistance, financing and financial assistance, brokering services and other services referred to in paragraph 1 shall be subject to an authorisation granted by the competent authorities of the Member States.

Article 3

This Common Position shall take effect on the date of its adoption.

Article 4

This Common Position shall be reviewed no later than 12 months after its adoption, taking into account determinations of the Security Council, and every 12 months thereafter.

Article 5

This Common Position shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union .