Sanctions EU - Zimbabwe


By means of Common Position 2002/145/CFSP of 18 February 2002 concerning restrictive measures against Zimbabwe, the EU Council expressed serious concern about the situation in Zimbabwe and in particular about serious violations of human rights by the Government of Zimbabwe, including violations of the freedoms of opinion, of association and of peaceful assembly. In view of this, it imposed certain restrictive measures, which are subject to annual review.

The Council, since that time, continues to consider that the Government of Zimbabwe is still engaging in serious violations of human rights. The restrictive measures provided for by Common Position 2004/161/CFSP include, inter alia , a ban on technical assistance, financing and financial assistance related to military activities, a ban on the export of equipment which might be used for internal repression, and the freezing of funds, financial assets and economic resources of members of the Government of Zimbabwe and of any natural or legal persons, entities or bodies associated with them.

There is an arms embargo for export, technical assistance, brokering and financial assistance. Some exceptions apply. Export, technical assistance, brokering and financial assistance are prohibited.
Some exceptions apply.

There is currently one entity on the list of people and entities whose funds and economic resources are frozen.

EU Member States must prevent the entry into, or the transit through, their territories of listed persons. There is currently no physical person on the sanctions list.

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Council Decision 2011/101/CFSP of 15 February 2011 concerning restrictive measures against Zimbabwe

Council Regulation (EC) 314/2004 of 19 February 2014 concerning restrictive measures in respect of Zimbabwe

Human Rights Watch - Zimbabwe . Human Rights Watch investigates and reports on abuses happening in all corners of the world.